Hi all. Long story short, I am a Bible minister in the USA, and am looking to relocate to Latin America. I have what might be called a religious teaching foundation, with aspirations to grow into a full denomination some day (but to do it right takes a lot of time, and at the moment I am not there yet). I have some pension income, and some other income from the ministry. The move hinges on me being able to establish a religious foundation / ministry in Chile, or to extend my existing US ministry into Chile. Does anyone know where to find the regulations on how to establish a religious foundation in Chile? Especially, can a resident start a religious foundation in Chile (or if not, is there a good way to work-through)? I can pay for good knowledgeable legal counsel but I want to educate myself on the laws in Chile first. Also, I thought I read somewhere that Chile does not tax pension income. Am I remembering that correctly? I would appreciate any pointers or help. Thank you very much.