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19 years ago
Hello -

I am a senior at Wellesley College, a liberal-arts college just outside Boston, Massachusetts, and I am applying for a fellowship that would allow me to travel and study Americans living abroad.

If I receive this fellowship my travel and writing will be funded, and
I will be able to profile hundreds of Americans who have chosen to
live abroad. I am looking for contacts with American individuals or
organizations that might be interested in speaking with me about what brought them to China, how they found the transition between the U.S. and China, and what has kept them in China. I plan on compiling a book that collects the diverse experiences of all American expatriates with whom I spend time, so even brief interviews--if I am given the funding to travel to China--would be enlightening.

To clarify my purpose and background: I am an English major with a
concentration in Creative Writing. Currently, however, I am
intensively studying nonfiction writing, forms of journalism that are
more in-depth than a typical news piece. I have a solid background in journalism, and worked as a reporter this past summer with the Tico Times, an English-language newspaper in San Jose, Costa Rica. There I became well acquainted with the diverse nature of the American expatriate community; I befriended everyone from retirees to young surfers, businessmen to farmers.

Thank you very much for your consideration. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Genevieve Brennan
[email protected]


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