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Guangzhou Interpreter & Translator

17 years ago
Hi there, this is James Wang (0086-13922760971; [email protected]; Skype: jamesinguangzhou), an escort translator from Guangzhou saying hello to all those who may come to China to do market investigation, to seek new products or to visit business partners and wish to hire a local interpreter or assistant who knows the place, the people and the language. As a freelance interpreter, Im qualified for business negotiation interpreting, know how to arrange your travel and accommodation in China and will surely help you find the resources youre looking for. The following is a list of my recent jobs.

Nov. 2006, Scheduled to accompany Indian clients to Zhejiang Province for leather market investigation

Nov. 3-4, 2006, Escort interpreter for Omani clients to Guangzhou and Shenzhen jewelry markets

Nov. 2, 2006, Visit to Zhongshan City for business negotiation interpreting between a regular client (a lamp manufacturer) and South Korean importers

Oct. 28-31, 2006, Worked with American handbag designers to translate design instructions and accompanied them to Guangzhou leather markets to buy goods

Oct. 26-27, 2006, Escort interpreter for a Bahamas doctor during his procurement trip of medical suppliers to Guangzhou

Oct. 21, 2006, Escort interpreter for a Canadian couple to Guangzhou jewelry market

Oct. 7/9, 2006, Escort interpreter for Australian clients to Guangzhou jewelry market

Oct. 8, 2006, Accompanied French clients to Zhejiang Province for leather inspection

Sept. 30, 2006, Escort interpreter for Canadian clients to Guangzhou International Textile Market

Still hesitating? Dial the number above and you will know what I can do for you.


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