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retire in sanya Chinese Hawaii

17 years ago
Sanya CHINA'S holiday capital,is located in the extreme south of Hainan Island, looking out on the South China Sea. With clear blue waters and white sand beaches along its south edge, lush green mountains to the north and palm trees just about everywhere, Sanya, made up of Sanya City and its surrounding area, is truly a tropical paradise with seemingly endless sun, fun and exciting activities for visitors of all nationalities, ages and interests.
Blue sea, sand like butter, coconut trees whirling, fragrant grass Hero, the blue sky, known as the "Oriental Hawaii" . Sanya, recognized as the most suitable for human habitation. Four Seasons here in like springs, the average temperature is 25.4 degrees. Sanya air quality known as a "Natural oxygen bar", 1999 world environmental organizations to 154 cities in 48 countries announced that Sanyas air quality ranked in the second place worldwide, just after Havana, Cuba. Sanya life expectancy is 80 years, is called "Healthy City", the "longevity of all,"

for more info http://www.tropical-china.com

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