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15 years ago
I am 26, a Chinese living Shandong Province, China. I have read tons of novels in which relationship of brotherhood/sisterhood is so admirably portrayed that I am longing for one. But it turns out the interhuman relationship in reality is often superficial. I mean you can have a nice conversation, dinner, but you barely care about each other. Some have told me it is less likely to forge genuine friendship based on emotional connection in commercial society because1 you are not in business relationship 2 you are not lovers or related by blood. What do you think?

Due to my upbringing, I haven't had much social interaction, I am socially awkward. And I am diagnosed with some affective disorder, and currently on valproate 600mg/d (embarrassed:( )So I am more sensitive to loneliness and wishing to find a friend. How I wish I could find someone to hang out with in real life, but never had one for many years

I am a gay (embarrassed:( ) But that is not important. I need friendship, and need to learn from the basics. I am over self-protective. I don't know how to start a friendship in reality, coz I have a low self-esteem.

You can email me at zhaobaoqing176 from yahoo.com.cn. Or forward that address to those you know who are in China and wanna find a native as friend:) Thanks!!

ps, can you recommend some friend-making websites without the basis of money or sex?:)



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