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Capoeira in Shanghai

15 years ago
Hi, I just want to recommend Capoeira classes to everybody!

About Group

Everything started at the end of the year 2005: a few capoeiristas
started to meet on the weekends in Luxun Park, weather permitting. In
the 3 years since then what was once spontaneous training in the park
between a few enthusiasts has grown into a proper capoeira group,
which has on several occasions invited instructors from all over the
world to come and teach. The person responsible for keeping capoeira
alive in Shanghai has been Diego "Guerreiro": in October 2007 he
invited Mestre Marcelo to come to Shanghai for a workshop,and Capoeira
Shanghai became part of Mestre's international group, Capoeira
Mandinga. Contra Mestre Cipo', Contra Mestre Batatinha and Instrutor
Marcão have all taught in Shanghai, contributing greatly to the
development of capoeira here, and helping our students prepare for
this event – The First Annual Batizado of Capoeira Mandinga Shanghai.

Monday 20:00-21:30 General Class
Tuesday 20:00-21:30 Beginner Class
Thursday 20:00-21:30 General Class
Saturday 17:00-19:00 General Class

Zhongshan JianMeiLeYuan (the gym inside Zhongshan Park), Changning Lu n.780
Metro line 2,3,4, exit n.4
???????????? (???780?) ??2??,3??,4??, 4???

70 RMP per lesson or just 400 RMB per month
First trial class is free of charge


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