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I have been cheated in nanning by a hired translator

15 years ago
Fisrt to mention that I am no english native speaker, I am spanish. This happened in spain, once I came back to spain from my encouter in nanning with my gf. My gf hired a person to translate and paid him 2000 yuans. But I was aware of it, this guy managed everything from the begining and turn all into a big confusion. Because my chinese is not good enough and I found it out just a week ago I am still investigating about it. My gf says she didnt know that this person was keeping all the money was sending to her . This person impersonante my gf and used his own name to get the money from western union. From the very beginning this guys says is her cousin and because she does not speak english so it is all managed by him. I could not have any suspicious about him. Maybe this person told my gf I could not marry her then the relatinship was over but he impersonante my gf and was keeping money. However my gf says was keeping contact with him but I do not know how long. Everything is a mess right now, I cannot differ of what she really is. First I thought she really cheated me but is still in contact with me and trying to catch this guy. I reported to nanning expats forum and they told me this is common in china. But know what I just really mind is if she really loves me or is still using me... I getting a paranoid and losing my confidence with chinses people. I want to visit my gf but she says she cannot stay with my because is working to start up a business. It is that normal in china? She told me I can go to guiyang and we could met but at the moment we cannot get marry. I have to say that due to this dirty I decided to broke up, and I found out what had happened. She is burden now in conscience a big guilt. But I want to forgive her because it is not get fault. Well, going to the point, I love her and I cannot give up on her, I need to know the truth or any advise and learn more about chinese relationship. As I learnt, in some places in china you cannot live together with you gf if you are not already married. It is only between chinese and foreigner? Is there anyone who lives in guiyang or nanning? She is from nannign but living in guiyang. Now I have a benefit of 400 euros per month becuase I rented my apartment, so could I stay in guiyang or nanning with that amount of money per month? I have to say that I do not count with commision of withdrawn and etc. What is the best plan to do?

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