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chubby girls

14 years ago
I wish you guys,the sex experts could help me to fin my way and locate the best spots to date my fantasy type girl.
In fact the perfect girl for me is the Chinese Vietnamese type.
I will not go there since i dont like the country but they are perfect for sex.
I m not looking for pretty girls,just average girls with strong bodies,big mouth and sensual.
Tigger Benson,just google her name,would be perfect.
Her clone with small tits,since i dont like big tits.
i have been in Shanghai and for me they tend to be too arrogant too white and too skinny.
When it comes to sex,not good at all,not really sensual too mechanical.
I talk about normal girls,i m not interested in girls coming for money or bargirls either.
The ones i dated were the kind of middle class girls who studied abroad and miss to be faked by white guys.
Ugly girl can be even ok for me,as long as they are sensual,know how to dress,are healthy with a nice yellow skin not too brown and not too white and super nasty in bed.
The most important point i dont like skinny or cadaver girl,the typical chinese trophy doll
I just want a girl with strong legs,a big mouth she can use and sexually aggressive in bed,even if in normal life she looks like a neurotic accountant with glasses.
Where do you think i should stay in China?
What is the difference between north and south when it comes to look and sex behaviours?
Thanks in advance for your help,i already applied for Visa,i will land begging of 2010 in Shanghai,but i still have to define on where i should settle down.

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