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Shopping Guide in China

14 years ago
When travelling in China, besides sightseeing and activities, you may feel like doing some shopping. The following are some suggestions about shopping in China:

* It is better for you to buy goods at department stores and factories, where the quality of the goods can be guaranteed and you don't have to worry about the things such as you may get the fake money back.
* It is better for you to buy local specialties in different cities rather than buy everything in one city. Because China is a big country; different cities are famous for different items. For example, Beijing is famous for cloisonné & cashmere sweaters, Xian is famous for replica of Terra Cotta soldiers and rugs and antiques, and Shanghai is famous for jade, Hangzhou for tea & fresh water pearl, Suzhou for silk, Guilin for scroll Chinese paintings and China South Sea Pearls.
* Please do not feel obligate to shop.
In order to fulfill your needs to buy goods with Chinese characteristics as souvenirs and gifts, our guides may offer you shopping opportunities, but, sometimes, you may think you do not want to go at all, in this case, please do not feel embarrassed to tell our guides directly. And also in the shops, do not feel obligate to buy anything because the shop attendants are very kind to you.
* Ask your tour guides and shop attendants whether you can get some discounts before you pay for the goods, even over the counters in some department stores.
* When you buy antiques, make sure they do not date before 1795 AD, as antiques that date before 1795 AD are forbidden for sale or export. And those dated between 1796 and 1949 should bear a small red seal and a Certificate for Relics Export from the regional Cultural Relics Bureau, to allow them to be taken out of China. The seal also proves the genuineness of the items. Please keep the receipts well indicating the name and age of the antiques, since you may have to show them when departing China.

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