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Pet rescue in China

13 years ago
Pet rescue in China

We all know how it feels to see an abandoned pet in the streets, roaming through garbage or just limping along. It is tearing at our heart strings. Sometimes we are closely exposed to this problem if the abandoned pet takes up “residence” in our own housing compound.

There are many reasons why abandoned pets end up in the street, but none of those reasons are the pet’s fault. Leaving the pet in the street to fend for herself, facing a near-certain painful death from extreme weather, starvation, attacks or decease is not a humane solution, not to mention the risk of infecting healthy pets and humans.

We want to help, but how?

Doctors Beck & Stone has developed the Rick Dog Poor Dog charity concept together with the BHAEEC pet shelter in Changping and The Green T-House Living. This is a good way to help all the pets at the shelter because each donation of RMB 50 can feed and care for a pet in the shelter for one month. However, the BHAEEC pet shelter already has 800 pets, and it is full and cannot accept any more rescued pets.

Doctors Beck & Stone is therefore introducing a new commercial initiative, offering responsible Beijing citizens another way to help.

Many people would like to rescue a pet, but they worry about the medical and behavioral health of the rescued pet, and whether they may be putting their family at risk by re-homing a rescued pet.

We address all those issues by offering a Pet Rescue Program to give responsible citizens peace of mind.
The health and behavior of the pet is checked by our leading foreign and local Chinese veterinarians at Doctors Beck & Stone.

We offer a range of options, including a full service package that includes pick-up of the pet, all the required tests and treatments, as well as the required quarantine and drop-off of a healthy and well groomed pet at your house. We can even offer supplementary pet training in your home, or at our group pet training sessions.

For all of the above-mentioned Pet Rescue Program services, we offer a compassionate discount of 25% off our regular prices.

We also offer free re-homing advertising for any pet that has gone through our Pet Rescue Program in the event that you are not able to re-home the rescued pet yourself. The rescued pet is featured with pictures and a detailed description on our popular web site www.vetinChina.com and in our mass e-mail newsletters at no cost.

Please be aware that as a responsible pet rescue citizen, you are expected to care for your rescued pet, and pay all costs for as long as it takes to find a safe home for your pet.

To participate in the Pet Rescue Program, please contact us any time.

Warm regards


Dr. Anthony David Beck
Doctors Beck & Stone Pet Health Care Center

[email protected]

If you have an emergency outside of regular opening hours please call:
English speakers: +86 -13501030572
Chinese speakers: +86-13911852572
We have ambulances for collection and drop off of your pet. Please call us to arrange.


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