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"Kennel Cough" is very prevalent at this time in Beijing.

13 years ago
"Kennel Cough" or a similar respiratory infection is very prevalent at this time in Beijing. "Kennel Cough" is defined as an infection cause by the bacteria Bordetella bronchisepta in complex with up to 110 other infectious agents including a wide variety of viruses. However the diagnosis is rather academic and based on the infection’s principle clinical sign which is a very sensitive airway (tracheitis) eliciting a honking cough and the highly contagious nature of the infection.

Ours Dr. Clement is very experienced at providing the correct supportive treatment to alleviate the clinical signs. You will be pleased to know that daily injections are not required. There is also a vaccination available though it is not licensed for use in China. For this or any other queries please contact us.

Warm regards


Dr. Anthony David Beck, BVetMed MRCVS
Doctors Beck & Stone Pet Health Care Center
[email protected]



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