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Baby Labor in Guangzhou

11 years ago
Hello everyone, Its a inner scream for help!!! I am 8 month pregnant and desperately looking for a good hospital for me and my baby be born in good hands with good professional care.
To cut the story short, i was a patient at Elizabeth hospital for the past 7 month and realized they are big cheaters and hospital is not professional at all. There were 3 times i went there with my husband after 6pm with bleeding at the beginning of the pregnancy, with high blood presuer lately, guess what, nurses were modeling infront of eachother, another time the hospital was empty, nurse been calling to an only one doctor for 30 min no answer the phone!!! My foreign doctor who ive been visiting all my 7 months went to a very long holidays and never come back! And they lie about delivery price!
I went to VIP hospital, as i was said should to book a doctor a month in advance, I don't have that long! I have some placenta complications, i might have cesarean operation, which has to be booked these days. I also heard there is a hospital belongs to a Singaporean guy, I dont know where it is. Asking for a help, advice for a good, better private hospital with good care, I start to feel scared.

William Russell
William Russell

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William Russell
William Russell

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