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opening HK bank account as a non-resident

10 years ago

I live in China (Xi'an) for 3 years now.

Chinese bank accounts are still limited when it comes to international bank transfers, foreign currencies and so on.

That's why I need an account with a HK bank.

I know there are already some threads about this, but situation has changed (since 1st of March this year).

I heard/read a lot about problems now with regard to opening a bank account in HK as a non-resident. Especially for US citizens (I am German).

Is there someone who recently opened such an account?

I can provide my

- German passport (valid until 2020)
- my Chinese Residence Permit (valid until March 2015)
- my address registration at the police in Xi'an (few days old, stamped and with passport ID, residence permit ID)
- the rental contract of my apartment in Xi'an (with my address and passport ID on it)

What more I need to open an account ?

I am interested in

- online banking in English
- transferring and receiving money online and internationally (SWIFT/IBAN)
- trading with stock funds and shares
- multi-currency account (USD, EUR, RMB)

Any recommendations? hints?

Thanks for any kind of information.


P.S.: it is urgent, I will be in Hong Kong next week on MON and TUE.

William Russell
William Russell

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