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Participate in survey about air pollution and win Amazon.cn vouchers

9 years ago
Being an expatriate in a foreign country always pose some challenges for us. Living in China certainly gives exciting opportunities but also serious challenges—the increasing polluted environment being one of it. We recently encountered news that some multinational corporations in China have considered environmental hazards and include air pollution in their hardship compensation scheme. As organizational researchers as well as expats ourselves, this sparked our interest in understanding the perceived effect of air pollution on expatriate worker’s decision making and well-being. We hope to publish the results to inform employers and policies.

We hereby invite you (expats currently living in China) to participate in our research study. This study is being conducted by us—Tori Huang and Joon Park at Nottingham University Business School China. The purpose of this study is to examine how expatriates perceive air quality in China, how it affects their attitudes and behaviors and the corresponding current and future HR compensation policies.

To complete the survey online, please go to the URL below

As a token of our appreciation, upon receipt of your completed questionnaire, we have a series of lotteries in which respondents are eligible to win 10RMB, 30RMB or 50RMB worth of vouchers for Amazon.cn.

The information your provide will help us gain important insights into how the air pollution in China, an issue that we're all concerned about, is affecting your work and life. We know that this is a busy time of the year for you, but we hope that you will take 20 minutes to participate in this web survey.

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