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search for local cameraman/journalist

9 years ago

For a Dutch documentary film we are looking for a cameraman(if possible camera-woman) in Nanning for Friday August 7, maybe someone here has some contacts that might help us?

We are specifically looking for someone who has more than 2 years of professional documentary or journalistic experience and owns a Canon C300 or Sony F5 camera (or something comparable).
If you are this ‘camjo’, you should be social and independent and also be able to record in a ‘neutral’ film-style that we will explain in advance by sending some footage that was already shot in Holland.
The documentary is about 11 Dutch children who have been followed since they were 11 years old until they will become 18. At this point they are all 15 years old.
Here you can find some stills and recordings of the film: http://www.defamilie.net/in-productie/tijd-van-je-leven/

You will follow a very nice Dutch (mainly female) family with 4 adults and 2 kids, who will visit the city of Nanning at Friday August 7.
The day will start in the morning if you meet the family in the Mingyan Xindu Hotel and then you’ll follow the family’s daily touristic activities (walking, visits in the city, diner) until the evening.
Because of the unpredictable time schedule of that day, we are looking for someone who is flexible, kind, social and speaks English fluently or at least the basics.
We will arrange a suitable reward, preferably paid by an official invoice.
Please look here for more information about our company: http://www.defamilie.net/english/.
If you are interested please contact me at [email protected].

Thank you,

Kind regards,
Britte Hermans
De Familie Film & TV
The Netherlands
[email protected]
0031 (0)202 6633303

Britte Hermans
Producer De Familie Film&TV

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