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What is my Grupo Etnico?

3 months ago
My Colombian bank has just asked me, and my wife, to update our personal details – they do so on an annual basis, so no surprise.

Well, maybe a small surprise, this year’s document has a new field to be completed - GRUPO ÉTNICO. Apparently, we should sit comfortably within one of the following categories here they are:

- Indigena
- Palenquero(a) de San Basilio
- Raizal del Archipiélago de San Andres, Providencia y Santa Catalina
- Negro(a), Mulato(a), Afrodescendiente, Afrocolombiano(a)
- Gitano(a) o Rrom
- Ning?n Grupo Étnico
- No Aplica
- Sin Informaci?n

I get regularly told off in this forum for giving away information too freely. So be it, but in this instance I feel ¨they¨ are going too far. What do you think?

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