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pink slip/duty free car

21 years ago
Hi, my wife and I have recently bought a house in Paphos - Regina Gardens, initially as a holiday home but now we are looking to relocate permanently. We are in our late thirties and would appreciate some advise on the following questions.
1. I have been told that we need to apply for a pink slip, firstly who do we need to apply to & how much money do we need to deposit in our Cyprus account to meet this criteria.
2. I am told we are entitled to buy a duty free car, how do we go about doing this.
3. Working, as you can tell by our ages we are not at retirement age & would like to work out there, I know come accession to the EU it will not be a problem but before that is it possible & what do we need to do about permits.
4. Contact groups/clubs for people of our own age. I know that the average age of expats in Paphos is older than us but surely we are not the only thirtysomethings living in Paphos.

If anyone could help with any of these topcs we would be eternally grateful.

Rikk & Debbie

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