Hello, I have read many useful comments particularly on the topic of "Leaving America" and I hope to receive such insightful help. My mother was a Dane who never gave up her citizenship, and she died in 2000. I have strong relations with her sisters in Denmark, and have many cousins with children the same age as my own kids, around 3-4 yrs. old. I have lived in Denmark as a teen, and went to gymnasium for a year. I speak well, and can read fairly well, too. My husband and I have visited 3 times in the last 6 years, and we both feel the need to be near my aunts and give our children the experience to live with their cousins and develop their Danish roots. My family in Danmark want us there, and yet they don't really know the rules and regulations. Is there any way to apply for residency based on family reunification? My husband is a welder and a bicycle mechanic. I am a massage therapist. I don't think we would get residency based on those jobs, but if we had a job offer in those areas, could we? We have a long term goal of 2 years to get over there, and we could get any needed certifications in that time. Any thought on the matter would be greatly appreciated.