That´s right...we´re here! Lol. It´s official. Kimberly, my lovely wife, and I are officially denizens of Salinas, Ecuador. Permanent Residents, minus the required official registration of said status in Quito, so that we may obtain the Censo and Cedula. Been mostly off the site preparing to do this. Will be generlly off the site for the next 30 days, as I try to get a dozen or so systems into place here, arrange furniture orders, return from Quito...those kind of things. When I return, I will respond to the many ïnteresting¨recent posts and also open up a daily ¨Life in Salinas¨thread. The latter, I promise, will not contain items such as ¨6:03 PM today, clipping toenails at the Barcelo Colon lobby.¨In other words, if it äin´t¨ won´t be posted. Anyways...I will try to respond to a few posts in the next 1-3 days, but mostly...I will not be on the site much.