Be aware that if you plan to move to Ecuador, the residency visa process is an absolute nightmare. There are only a couple of attorneys who deal with this matter, and we found all of them to be rather incompetent and not paing attention to detail....i.e., they let our entire paperwork package get through with my partner's place of birth as China.....interesting fo a person born in Puerto Rico. The "rules" for visa's change on a daily basis, and frequently cause you to have to start all over. Also, be very wary of any American living in Ecuador who passes themselves off as an attorney to assist you.....this is only a rip off. We are sure that if you try, you can find a country which is more user friendly for visas and residency than Ecuador. Also, if you plan to bring in a container of household goods, be prepared to have it delayed for months with daily storage fees attached which can easily range into additional thousands of dollars and great delay. THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE CHOSING ECUADOR.