On my triip of ignorance of the country, I insisted on visiting Playas. I get a little ill at the mention of this area. The roads are surreal and the poverty is the worst I have ever seen. We past the airport which was a special treat, built on a short hill . A little past the decrease speed sign is make believe resort that will maybe be ocean front condos some day . I think folks would do better buying Pacific coast land in Arizona.. We stopped and toured this tourist trap and even ate a bite.Big menu but slim choice. Did I mention that my friend was deathly ill for several days and spent a few great days in the hospital. Hector took us the short cut home with better roads(hmmmm) and we wound up in pig town. There must have been three hundred dirty nasty large pigs living amongst the population. We saw a mule pig also. One of the wonders of nature in Ecuador. Than no more than a few more turns and we found that Columbus was wrong . The world is flat and we found the end of it. It was a long funny day...