You are certainly right about the mortality rate here in the U.S. Just another reason for a National Health Care program like Medicare for all. Almost by every measurement, "The Big Dog is Going Down." People don't want to acccept or admit it, but the U.S. is spiritually, morally, socially, and finanically bankrupt.
Deficits, quality of eduation, equal heath care; morality in Goverment and on Wall Street; Lack of Civility, Social Justice, responsibility and accountability; corruption almost in every aspect of life.
So . . . . . . what's wrong with that? After all, "if you ain't doing someone, someone is doing you."
Serious crime abounds and the Gang problem is getting worse. The Pop Culture is perverse and out of control; drugs are available everywhere.
Worst of all, either people don't givea damn, or the morass and decay is so severe and pervasive, that people just give up, and head for EC, (Just kidding!)
Better put a cork in it before the hate mail starts to roll in.
(Will finish by saying I read somewhere that our children are being raped culturally, financially, spiritually, educationally, nutritionally, and morally.) Tis' a shame, indeed! But, some people say we are beyond the tipping point; that's it's too late; there is nothing we can do, and will are heading for a place in history that rivals the Roman Empire.
amicus (don)
Deficits, quality of eduation, equal heath care; morality in Goverment and on Wall Street; Lack of Civility, Social Justice, responsibility and accountability; corruption almost in every aspect of life.
So . . . . . . what's wrong with that? After all, "if you ain't doing someone, someone is doing you."
Serious crime abounds and the Gang problem is getting worse. The Pop Culture is perverse and out of control; drugs are available everywhere.
Worst of all, either people don't givea damn, or the morass and decay is so severe and pervasive, that people just give up, and head for EC, (Just kidding!)
Better put a cork in it before the hate mail starts to roll in.
(Will finish by saying I read somewhere that our children are being raped culturally, financially, spiritually, educationally, nutritionally, and morally.) Tis' a shame, indeed! But, some people say we are beyond the tipping point; that's it's too late; there is nothing we can do, and will are heading for a place in history that rivals the Roman Empire.
amicus (don)