Hello, I'm currenntly living in UK and finding it more and more oppresive. I have health issues and would love to be somewhere with a nice climate with plenty of health givng sun and healthy food. In 2008 i lost my family home and most of my possesions and have lived frugally ever since enjoying a simpler life with less stress and no great need to compete anymore with my fellow man ... just commune. I would love to move to Ecuador as i have read alot about the freindly people and the beautiful climate. The only problem i have is i have enough for the air fair and about a week in a hotel!! I am wondering if anyone would put me up for a few weeks while i got myself organsined. I am good company and have internet skills so i would soon be able to make money. I am a very young 49 and would prefer a woman to stay with ... but am open minded to a nice male company. I am hoping to have a complete change of life very soon. Please feel free to email me privately or post on here. Sue