I got back to the snows of Maine to find an ocean of medicare and medicare vulture envelopes. I turn 65 in mid April. The mail accumulation coincided with my three months in Ecuador.
"They" want $115 a month (taken from my SS retirement) for the part B medicare. I can decline this if I jump thru a few hoops.
My question is....since I intend to live in Ecuador, would the $115 be better spent on insurance there? I would need to fly back to the USA to use the medicare. From what I experienced in my month in Quito and two months in Cuenca, the cost of a medical proceedure is roughly the deductible under the "system" in the USA.
I am getting my affairs in order here for the long term stay in Ecuador. I expect to have the Pension Visa soon and return to Cuenca shortly after that.
Any personal experience, suggestions or directions for search is appreciated.
Ecuador is what I expected and I liked it. The Ecuadorians are good people. The expats are an entertaining group too. A good place for my tercera edad.
sin ego
"They" want $115 a month (taken from my SS retirement) for the part B medicare. I can decline this if I jump thru a few hoops.
My question is....since I intend to live in Ecuador, would the $115 be better spent on insurance there? I would need to fly back to the USA to use the medicare. From what I experienced in my month in Quito and two months in Cuenca, the cost of a medical proceedure is roughly the deductible under the "system" in the USA.
I am getting my affairs in order here for the long term stay in Ecuador. I expect to have the Pension Visa soon and return to Cuenca shortly after that.
Any personal experience, suggestions or directions for search is appreciated.
Ecuador is what I expected and I liked it. The Ecuadorians are good people. The expats are an entertaining group too. A good place for my tercera edad.
sin ego