Thank you 'vandtor' for the information.
I was prepared to open a large wholesale plant/shrub/tree nursery in Manabi prior to a few difficulties.
San Diego and its microclimates actually have much in common with Ecuador and much mirror the variety and requirements of plant material in EC within a relatively small area.
Temperatures here from coast to mountains frequently vary by 30 degrees Fahrenheit daily, especially in Winter. I'm freezing my ass off right now and it's supposed to be in the '80's on Monday?
With the advent of many new Real Estate developments throughout Ecuador there is opportunity for new growers that provide exceptional specialty flowers, shrubs and trees along with more of the beautiful native standards that are already in place.
Seeds, while great for annual vegetables and flowers are easily obtained. Perenial plants are difficult to find and pricey in Quito, nor is the quality and selection of landscape material decent throughout Ecuador.
New growers in Ecuador would succeed with cuttings, grafts and other propagation techniques, especially with many of the new, unique and beautiful mutations of plant material that is now currently commonplace in the U.S. and elsewhere.
There are few obstacles for a true and talented nurseryman/woman to be successful and profitable in Ecuador.
I was prepared to open a large wholesale plant/shrub/tree nursery in Manabi prior to a few difficulties.
San Diego and its microclimates actually have much in common with Ecuador and much mirror the variety and requirements of plant material in EC within a relatively small area.
Temperatures here from coast to mountains frequently vary by 30 degrees Fahrenheit daily, especially in Winter. I'm freezing my ass off right now and it's supposed to be in the '80's on Monday?
With the advent of many new Real Estate developments throughout Ecuador there is opportunity for new growers that provide exceptional specialty flowers, shrubs and trees along with more of the beautiful native standards that are already in place.
Seeds, while great for annual vegetables and flowers are easily obtained. Perenial plants are difficult to find and pricey in Quito, nor is the quality and selection of landscape material decent throughout Ecuador.
New growers in Ecuador would succeed with cuttings, grafts and other propagation techniques, especially with many of the new, unique and beautiful mutations of plant material that is now currently commonplace in the U.S. and elsewhere.
There are few obstacles for a true and talented nurseryman/woman to be successful and profitable in Ecuador.