We have had numerous complaints over the last few days regarding the Ecuador forum.
Many of you have asked us to remove certain users, remove posts, etc.
We would like to repost the forum rules:
1.) The forums on ExpatExchange.com were created to help people move from
one country to another through advice and sharing of information.
2.) Respectful debate is not only allowed, but encouraged. This means respecting
the opinions of others without exception.
3.) Members may not post potentially defaming remarks about businesses and individuals
(we have no way of investigating such claims) nor may they post copyright protected
information (a short quote with links to such articles and information is fine). Our member
agreement covers that and can be found by clicking on the "Legal" link at bottom of every
4.) Refrain from posting another users' real name. Please address others by their
5.) Regular users who want to chat about things other than expats or international
relocation may do so provided it is done in a civil manner.
6.) Users that utilize the forums on ExpatExchange.com for the sole purpose of
promoting their own business interests will not have their posts approved, especially
when they have nothing to do with expats and/or international relocation. If you
post helpful advice and answers to questions, you are welcome to include your company
name and Web address at the end of your post.
7.) Users that flame one another will not have their posts approved and may be
banned from the forums.
8.) Users that continually insult others will not have their post approved and will be
banned from the forums.
9.) ExpatExchange.com and its administrators will not engage in a debate about whether
or not a post is or was acceptable. If you had a post that was not approved, please understand
that we are doing our best to maintain an intelligent dialogue that enables people to move
from one country to another as easily as possible.
Many of you have asked us to remove certain users, remove posts, etc.
We would like to repost the forum rules:
1.) The forums on ExpatExchange.com were created to help people move from
one country to another through advice and sharing of information.
2.) Respectful debate is not only allowed, but encouraged. This means respecting
the opinions of others without exception.
3.) Members may not post potentially defaming remarks about businesses and individuals
(we have no way of investigating such claims) nor may they post copyright protected
information (a short quote with links to such articles and information is fine). Our member
agreement covers that and can be found by clicking on the "Legal" link at bottom of every
4.) Refrain from posting another users' real name. Please address others by their
5.) Regular users who want to chat about things other than expats or international
relocation may do so provided it is done in a civil manner.
6.) Users that utilize the forums on ExpatExchange.com for the sole purpose of
promoting their own business interests will not have their posts approved, especially
when they have nothing to do with expats and/or international relocation. If you
post helpful advice and answers to questions, you are welcome to include your company
name and Web address at the end of your post.
7.) Users that flame one another will not have their posts approved and may be
banned from the forums.
8.) Users that continually insult others will not have their post approved and will be
banned from the forums.
9.) ExpatExchange.com and its administrators will not engage in a debate about whether
or not a post is or was acceptable. If you had a post that was not approved, please understand
that we are doing our best to maintain an intelligent dialogue that enables people to move
from one country to another as easily as possible.