Well, I should say 'implant' instead on expat...Anyways, Hi all, I've finally decided to come out of the closet and join the board instead of just being a 'voyuer reader'. I have gleened a lot of great advice here, and a lot of let's just say, Comic Relief! I love the battles between the 'I've lived here longer so I know more' folks. (saying that with pure love) :)
So, I could probably be the poster child of what NOT to do when getting ready to move to Ecuador. I depended solely on what I found on the internet, I signed up for one of those expensive tours, I hired a lawyer I never met, I put a cash deposit down on a lot to build on, with only a promissory note signed by the secretary (owner was in the states)...hmmm what else...well, theres probably more but I can't think of it all. But bottom line, I haven't had ANY bad backlash, and am so happy to finally be sorting and getting ready for the packing & shipping stage. Now before anyone wants to write to me and tell me how naive I am, you'll be preachin' to the pew! I would agree with you! But I'm just loving the journey.
Having chosen Cotacachi to be our new home, I've had a chance to meet a lot of the people mentioned here that are giving the tours, which could be another post or 10, and met a lot of 'gringos' getting ready to move there or already are. Its a magical place and so are the local people. I'm just hoping I can find a little niche in the community that could use a volunteer.
So, thats my 'Howdy' but I do have a question..has anyone had any experience with having to make the packing lists for your moving boxes? I can do them in spanish, but I need to know just how detailed you have to get. Do I have to name each book, movie, Cd, or just put numbers??? Or does anyone have a suggestion on how to get a cuisinart in a suitcase? :)
thanks in advance....happy journeying (is that a word) LOL!!
So, I could probably be the poster child of what NOT to do when getting ready to move to Ecuador. I depended solely on what I found on the internet, I signed up for one of those expensive tours, I hired a lawyer I never met, I put a cash deposit down on a lot to build on, with only a promissory note signed by the secretary (owner was in the states)...hmmm what else...well, theres probably more but I can't think of it all. But bottom line, I haven't had ANY bad backlash, and am so happy to finally be sorting and getting ready for the packing & shipping stage. Now before anyone wants to write to me and tell me how naive I am, you'll be preachin' to the pew! I would agree with you! But I'm just loving the journey.
Having chosen Cotacachi to be our new home, I've had a chance to meet a lot of the people mentioned here that are giving the tours, which could be another post or 10, and met a lot of 'gringos' getting ready to move there or already are. Its a magical place and so are the local people. I'm just hoping I can find a little niche in the community that could use a volunteer.
So, thats my 'Howdy' but I do have a question..has anyone had any experience with having to make the packing lists for your moving boxes? I can do them in spanish, but I need to know just how detailed you have to get. Do I have to name each book, movie, Cd, or just put numbers??? Or does anyone have a suggestion on how to get a cuisinart in a suitcase? :)
thanks in advance....happy journeying (is that a word) LOL!!