I lived in Ecuador 1997 to 2002. Travel back there every summer early June to early Aug. Plan on returning permanently as soon as I am able. Each year I SPECIFICALLY choose my flight the first few days of June to avoid the airline's "embargo dates". I pay $100 for ea. extra suitcase & fly into Guayaquil no problem w/ 3 extras for myself & 3 extras for my son (I am bringing clothes & shoes to friends & family of my son). Now all of a sudden this year I hear that the government has put a new law in effect whereby your first extra suitcase you must pay an import tax of $200. For your second $400. And, if you bring a third Aduana (Ecuadorian Customs) will open it, put a value on ea. item & charge 22% import tax based on their valoration of ea. & every item. Do any of you know any more about this. Has anyone flown in & been charged in the past 6 months? Or have any of you flown in recently w/ extra luggage & been waved right through? I'd appreciate any info any of you could give me.