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13 years ago
I just had the following exchange with ILA. I don’t do things behind people’s backs so I am posting her message to me and my response to her right here.
Private Message
4/18/2011 12:08

Your exchange with cmearl became respectful and I thank you.
I believe we all have empathy for her
She has had to put up with a lot .Just what we all need..right...As though life is not tough enough...
A self appointed,self serving, pseudo authority on ALL things has given you a bit of a distorted version
I would like to offer another version
As cwullf said of that person
"I see you are still very much in love with yourself "
You might want to consider another role model
Christine is right
"consider the source"
Just because someone states something as fact,does that make it so. Most people being aware , have a healthy scepticism when it comes to strangers
For example....My husband and I, met boncur and her husband ( a very nice couple)12years ago, for approximately five minutes (my husband and I enjoyed staying one night in Otavalo, at their former hotel) I exchanged some emails (6 months ago ) as I have done with many posters
The "Mortal enemies part" is a slightly off rendition of reality. As was the rest of what he said.I had about as much of a friendship or enemyship as I have with you.
I do not support any one person on the forum over another.
If there was any contention between us,it began when boncur posted an inappropriate slur against Hector,(also a very nice man,)suggesting that he did not know what he was talking about and that he should purchase a $5.00 law degree
( I thought that was below the belt)
Her obsession with him,escalated, became gruesome and Hector even posted "Boncur,I am not the enemy"
Hector,a highly intelligent and humorous poster
Therefore my respect for boncur began to diminish,disipated then and moved on to zero.
As for "man hater" Even after many decades of therapy,according to woody Allen,to draw that conclusion by a qualified psychiatrist,might be difficult
I certainly would not care to label you.
just because you can not understand what I write .......and I confess... sometimes I do not understand myself what I write.
I consider that a compliment,that you took the time to make your views known.
However it does not necessarily equate to bad writing
If you were an English professor as well as a psychiatrist I might concede.... then again,maybe not.
Just as the dog psychiatrist got it wrong about my dogs,and I chose not to follow recommendations to euthanize them, a human psychiatrist could err also.
why I might even be a lobotomy candidate
Decades of monogomy and marital challenge/commitment /up and down bliss later,I would say that my husband and sons and daughters would probably have more of an inkling than you about who I am. I could be wrong. Aspersions never came up.If they did,I would pay attention.but strangers come and go and are of no consequence,in the general scheme of things
Regardless of whether you are right or wrong about my personal life , is it really your business to scrutinize my personal life or my business to scrutinize yours?
For the record..Susan is a sound,primo person and not "pissy" and has a beautiful spa,you should try it some time.
For a couple of years the forum community has been active and mutually respectful with the some exceptions,who have tried to humiliate cmearl .They use terms to justify their exceedingly over the top attacks on her ,such as "honest".."winning" and other bizarre rationales
Attacks and verbal aggression is never applied to men on the forum.....reserved for women only
Examples of fixations to demolish and try to make the person feel bad,have been directed at regulars,boncur ,susan ,christine.and the new poster from loja,of course yours truly.
Through excessive, intense ongoing ridicule ,even posting their version of christine's financial status and their version of her personal family issues (LIES ABOUT HER) to a degree that earned them contempt from ALL
Unpleasant and liars,defines the posters that you would have as role models.If that is your criteria,it is yours alone.
To the discerning,who value integrity..NOT
Keep in mind Expat posters are the cream of the crop and a healthy, varied, adventurous ,insightful group

I could be wrong
ILA, you write about integrity here. If you really had any integrity yourself, you wouldn't be doing this behind the scenes bad mouthing of others-------------- you would do it out in the open just like the people you are bad mouthing do on the forum. They seem to have the courage to post their convictions publicly and you do not, thereby disallowing them to refute your claims. Because of this, I will ignore what you have written here unless you post your feelings publicly, giving the others the chance at rebuttal. It is very clear that a group of you have gotten together to complain to the moderators of this forum about the posters you complain about and who I admittedly admire. I'd guess that you have written a good many of these "poison pill" letters behind people's backs and in spite of your protests to the contrary, you still seem like a man hater to me.

I intend to post a short message of the censorship that is going on here, and if my post isn't published, I'll simply leave this forum because I refuse to support any organization that engages in such censorship.

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