Been a while since I posted anything of substance, since most of it of late has been hyped stuff, blown way out of proportion - whether it is the referendum issue, or the FARC tired story, or even the whole diplomatic deal. All the posts have either been clearly opinion based or had attribution, which is all I have ever respect every man's opinion. However, this much more subtle, quiet little "ditty" caught my eye, precisely because of its "silent nature".
"Ecuador: The Ecuadorean government has asked the US to explain a statement made by Jay Bergman, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s director for the Andean region, after he said on 10 May that Ecuador was now “a UN for international criminals”. Ecuador’s security minister, Homero Arellano, demanded that Bergman, who is based in Bogotá, Colombia, produce figures to show that Ecuador had become the preferred meeting place for gangsters from Albania, the Ukraine, Italy and China. Ecuador pointed out that in recent months it has caught several gangsters with pending international arrest warrants, most notably John Jairo Vasco, a Colombian caught on 20 April."
[For Attribution:]
The two things that stuck out the most, for me, were:
1) While the USA still pleads "innocent" in the whole diplomatic row game with Ecuador...there they go again...poking the frog...with yet another unsubstantiated comment from a high ranking, visible USA government source. How serious do we think the USA is about reestablishing pleasant diplomatic ties with Ecuador? Either this USA source is acting with Presidential approval, or the current USA Prez has lost control of his team. Neither portends a good outcome.
2) The second point I can't help but note is that the Ecuadorian response was calm...muted...professional. A kinder, gentler Correa? One response does not a trend make...but the usual response from the current Ecuadorian government to a "sticks and stones" allegation is to respond with something akin to, "You're a doodie head and you smell funny!" Nice to see a dignified, rational, well-measured response that pretty much says, "Put up, or shut up", but done oh so kindly and...well ...diplomatically. Sorry, but score that one Ecuador 1, USA 0.
Hector G. Quintana "HGQ"
"Ecuador: The Ecuadorean government has asked the US to explain a statement made by Jay Bergman, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s director for the Andean region, after he said on 10 May that Ecuador was now “a UN for international criminals”. Ecuador’s security minister, Homero Arellano, demanded that Bergman, who is based in Bogotá, Colombia, produce figures to show that Ecuador had become the preferred meeting place for gangsters from Albania, the Ukraine, Italy and China. Ecuador pointed out that in recent months it has caught several gangsters with pending international arrest warrants, most notably John Jairo Vasco, a Colombian caught on 20 April."
[For Attribution:]
The two things that stuck out the most, for me, were:
1) While the USA still pleads "innocent" in the whole diplomatic row game with Ecuador...there they go again...poking the frog...with yet another unsubstantiated comment from a high ranking, visible USA government source. How serious do we think the USA is about reestablishing pleasant diplomatic ties with Ecuador? Either this USA source is acting with Presidential approval, or the current USA Prez has lost control of his team. Neither portends a good outcome.
2) The second point I can't help but note is that the Ecuadorian response was calm...muted...professional. A kinder, gentler Correa? One response does not a trend make...but the usual response from the current Ecuadorian government to a "sticks and stones" allegation is to respond with something akin to, "You're a doodie head and you smell funny!" Nice to see a dignified, rational, well-measured response that pretty much says, "Put up, or shut up", but done oh so kindly and...well ...diplomatically. Sorry, but score that one Ecuador 1, USA 0.
Hector G. Quintana "HGQ"