International Living in my opinion is very misleading in their marketing programs. Working on the internet tonight I was watching Ecuadorian television through a website. Up pops an advertisement - that says Live like royalty in Ecuador for $600 a month - paraphrased and then you had to click on the advertisement.
You have got to be kidding me. For any of you considering a move - there is no way anyone is going to live like royalty in Ecuador on $600 a month - I can't believe they keep pushing like that. Don't be sucked in by a claim like that - it isnt going to happen. There may be a lot of definitions of royalty - but what the average expatriate would think of as luxury is not going to happen with that amount of money - Buyer Beware - of claims like that from International Living.
You have got to be kidding me. For any of you considering a move - there is no way anyone is going to live like royalty in Ecuador on $600 a month - I can't believe they keep pushing like that. Don't be sucked in by a claim like that - it isnt going to happen. There may be a lot of definitions of royalty - but what the average expatriate would think of as luxury is not going to happen with that amount of money - Buyer Beware - of claims like that from International Living.