It is true that some foreigners have come to live in Ecuador in order to escape something. It may be Child support, or Debts, or Drug raps, Tax-evasion, or Wife-beating, or far worse crimes. Also, Ecuador does not have an extradition treaty. I know a man who did this many years ago to avoid paying Child-support in the states. However, he died here because he could never get an American Passport again. Once you have committed a crime in the states, you will not be given a renewal U.S. passport at any U.S. embassy in the world. Also, imo, the new visa requisite, a Criminal Check from where you are coming, is a very good thing. Recently a no. amer. 'malcriant' who came to a town, befriending everyone and cleaning them out, as well as indulging in other bad and illegal things. He looked respectable---like he worked in a U.S. Dept. Store! He 'conned' quite a few and now I believe he has been deported.