Good evening, all.
Hoping for some realistic information.
Post-divorce, kids grown.
Left Corporate America to do, what I believed, was the right thing that we were fortunate to do; be a stay-at-home-mom. PTA President, the whole deal.
Apparently the USA didn't view my life as worthwhile as I did.
Selling my home, no insurance, been out of the USA work force for decades. One seems to need an MBA to walk a dog these days.
So....dear strangers.....what is the reality of life in Ecuador for someone like myself?
I speak Spanish well enough; not-so-dear Ex-Husband used to take me to Spain several times a year on business, as he couldn't find a street sign, and I could, at least, muddle through a business dinner.
What are job prospects for someone like me? My background doesn't include a teaching certificate, but I am articulate and do have past certification as a medical assistant.
I am compelled by what I see, what I research. However I am, frankly, terrifed by reports of "Express Kidnappings".
BTW, I live in Chicago, IL, travelled the world well, and have been Blessed to never have had one single issue. Anywhere, ever.
Not lucky, just know where to be, when, and what to be aware of.
Thanks, to all of you kind souls, for your response.
Hoping for some realistic information.
Post-divorce, kids grown.
Left Corporate America to do, what I believed, was the right thing that we were fortunate to do; be a stay-at-home-mom. PTA President, the whole deal.
Apparently the USA didn't view my life as worthwhile as I did.
Selling my home, no insurance, been out of the USA work force for decades. One seems to need an MBA to walk a dog these days.
So....dear strangers.....what is the reality of life in Ecuador for someone like myself?
I speak Spanish well enough; not-so-dear Ex-Husband used to take me to Spain several times a year on business, as he couldn't find a street sign, and I could, at least, muddle through a business dinner.
What are job prospects for someone like me? My background doesn't include a teaching certificate, but I am articulate and do have past certification as a medical assistant.
I am compelled by what I see, what I research. However I am, frankly, terrifed by reports of "Express Kidnappings".
BTW, I live in Chicago, IL, travelled the world well, and have been Blessed to never have had one single issue. Anywhere, ever.
Not lucky, just know where to be, when, and what to be aware of.
Thanks, to all of you kind souls, for your response.