In case anyone has missed me -- it's official, I have indeed found the Fountain of Youth. My proof: my wisdom teeth are coming in (and straightening out). ANd my lower left tooth erupted this week to the sounds of groans of pain and inflamation (OUCH). So I contacted Dra. Paula Barreto on Friday evening to set up an appt for after the holiday. She offered to come in right then, at night! I ased if she could see me the next morning and we set up for the morning. I was already taking an antibiotic -- and tylenol -- and she prescribed an anti-inflamatory (naproxen).
No sign of infection, just a very sore gumline so after x-rays to confirm the placement of the incoming molar -- she iinjected novacaine and sculpted out the perimeter of the tooth to allow it to enter my mouth with less difficulty. She is also speaking with her associated periodontist (who was out of town this week) for a consult should I need to have an extraction. She spent over an hour with me and the office was modern and her hands, very gentle and the entire event quite non-traumatic.
Oh and the cost for this? $30... yeah thirty.
Paola speaks some English, her husband Eduardo (who sports a fabulous Salvador Dali style mustache) speaks much more and assists when she has gringo patients.
[email protected]
Telf: 2781912
Cel: 093687886
Cel: 099775144
Josue Robles Bodero #132 y Ave 9 de Octubre
1er Piso Office 106
(2 blocks past CLP station on the Malecon side)
La Libertad
And tell her Susan sent ya'
No sign of infection, just a very sore gumline so after x-rays to confirm the placement of the incoming molar -- she iinjected novacaine and sculpted out the perimeter of the tooth to allow it to enter my mouth with less difficulty. She is also speaking with her associated periodontist (who was out of town this week) for a consult should I need to have an extraction. She spent over an hour with me and the office was modern and her hands, very gentle and the entire event quite non-traumatic.
Oh and the cost for this? $30... yeah thirty.
Paola speaks some English, her husband Eduardo (who sports a fabulous Salvador Dali style mustache) speaks much more and assists when she has gringo patients.
[email protected]
Telf: 2781912
Cel: 093687886
Cel: 099775144
Josue Robles Bodero #132 y Ave 9 de Octubre
1er Piso Office 106
(2 blocks past CLP station on the Malecon side)
La Libertad
And tell her Susan sent ya'