The Mayor of Salinas requested I chair a working group composed of the Directors of Public Works, Planning, Environmental Affairs, Public Affairs and Tourism to develop a program for the San Lorenzo beach. We just wrapped up our efforts and this morning the Mayor is meeting with the President's cabinet to request about $6M in special funding to advance the program. The San Lorenzo program is a group of related projects. Each project has it's own plan (WBS, risk matrix, CPM based schedule, budget, etc). The projects are: Recuperation of the beach, renovation of the malecon, installation of public restrooms and a special area - towards the palmeras- with pathways and access for the handicapped. If funding is secured the restored beach would be roughly as wide as what you see in chipipe and the malecon would be fixed up. All this is in concert with new ordinances to control vendors who would have a renovated and dedicated area contiguous to but not on the malecon. Funding was put in for third party inspections and oversight. Duration of construction is roughly between 9 and 11 months depending on which project (assuming no risk issues intervene) and also assuming all permits are issued in a timely manner. So... let's keep our fingers crossed that funding is secured. Ed n Jenny