Nora had lunch with one of the supervisors who works for the Ecuador's Ministry of Foreign Affairs..
They have decided to rotate everyone again at Immigration in two weeks... They have found so many files files with forged documents and copies of forms with out originals........
They will announce the new director for Immigration on April 2 2012.. We have a very good feeling who its going to be.. You will see new workers there on Monday sitting next to the old ones that will be in process of being trained.. The old workers will be transferred to the Transportaion office for training.. Do not I repeat do not tell your case worker you are leaving the country for what ever reason when you submit any type of papers... You will be sent down the hall and fill out stacks of addtional papers.. The bottom line is they are trying to stop Americans from coming and going all the time druing process... If you have to leave the country for what ever reason just don't say anything and leave and come back before your 30 days is up... If you have any type of Immigration problem contace Nora at [email protected] ... or call us at Magic Jack 239-234-4428... local 235-0310... cell phone 092066527..... Tommorow is my birthday ... so please drop by for a FREE Margarita and say Hi... ................................. Happy Saint Patricks Day!!!........................... PATRICK & NORA MINGA
They have decided to rotate everyone again at Immigration in two weeks... They have found so many files files with forged documents and copies of forms with out originals........
They will announce the new director for Immigration on April 2 2012.. We have a very good feeling who its going to be.. You will see new workers there on Monday sitting next to the old ones that will be in process of being trained.. The old workers will be transferred to the Transportaion office for training.. Do not I repeat do not tell your case worker you are leaving the country for what ever reason when you submit any type of papers... You will be sent down the hall and fill out stacks of addtional papers.. The bottom line is they are trying to stop Americans from coming and going all the time druing process... If you have to leave the country for what ever reason just don't say anything and leave and come back before your 30 days is up... If you have any type of Immigration problem contace Nora at [email protected] ... or call us at Magic Jack 239-234-4428... local 235-0310... cell phone 092066527..... Tommorow is my birthday ... so please drop by for a FREE Margarita and say Hi... ................................. Happy Saint Patricks Day!!!........................... PATRICK & NORA MINGA