San Salvador, although congested with trffic is getting more and more modern and cosmopolitan every year, and if you are young and adaptible, you may fall in love living in city, weekends, the beach and mountains are not far away at all.... come and visit us first..outside of the city great places for those wishing to retire...
seeing is blieving..Discover the Undiscovered!
For those planning to visit El Salvador the first timeDear traveler, trekker or volunteer visiting El Salvador and the rest
of Central America, perhaps for the first time. We at ARDM, dedicated
to development of rural eco and cultural travel in El Salvador, are a
non profit organization dedicated to the development of rural tourism
in El Salvador. What we offer is more than just native guides and
transport to beautiful places and meeting friendly people. We offer to
you as well, a peek through our eyes, from the inside out, into the
heart and soul of El Salvador as never before.
Personalized service. Design your own itinerary around El Salvador and
to neighboring Central American countries with us. We contract local
drivers and transportation providers and utilize experienced native
guides in rural and remote areas.
"Go where you want to go when you want to go."
All we require is that if you are traveling to El Salvador from
abroad, is that you make contact with us initially by e mail or
message or telephone, well in advance of your departure so we may
assist you in planning further your journey after arrival, within your
budget and time frame limitations of course.
Local drivers with insured vehicles, trained native guides for eco,
cultural and historic treks, bi lingual guide/interpreter volunteer
based in San Salvador to assist those who are not able to speak
For those concerned about the availability of budget (2-3-4 Star)
lodgings throughout El Salvador, our organization shall be more than
happy to contact these establishments, usually family run guest
houses/bed and breakfast in the capital city or small unique lodging
places in the beaches or mountains, if desiring to make reservations.
Again, all we ask is for you to contact us well in advance of your arrival.
Experienced Native Guides based in El Salvador, The Heart of Central America!
Transportation in Insured Vehicles with skilled local drivers.
Mayan Ruins of Tazumal Pyramids, Chalchuapa, El Salvador Intensive
Cultural Tours Central America In El Salvador and Guatemala we offer
to the visitor intensive cultural, crafts, historical and eco tours
with bilingual native guides. Study Spanish in Central America or
Volunteer to help one of several worthy causes ranging from human
rights to disaster relief...special welcome to groups, artists, travel
writers and other journalists, photographers and women traveling
Our non profit organization is not affiliated directly with any
political party neither religious groups, however we tailor the
itinerary to the client's needs and budget limitations and connect you
if possible with whomever you wish to meet and escort you wherever you
wish to travel. Period.
Do contact us well in advance of your departure so we may help you to
plan your journey…..El Salvador & connections to guides, drivers, tour
operators and unique lodging places throughout Central America…..
More than just trekking, more than just studying Spanish….more than
you can imagine!
Guías turísticos nativos y experimentados con base en El Salvador, el
Corazón del América Central. El Salvador Viajes culturales intensivos
a Centro-América. En El Salvador y Guatemala ofrecemos al visitante
viajes culturales intensivos a los artes y a la naturaleza y la
artesanía con un guía.
Estudie español en Centro América u ofrézcase como voluntario para
ayudar en una de varias causas dignas desde causas de derechos humanos
o como ayuda en aliviar zonas de desastre. Damos una especial
bienvenida al grupos turísticos, a los artistas, escritores sobre
turismo y otros periodistas, fotógrafos, mujeres que viajan solas.
Nuestra organización no es afiliada con ningún partido político o
grupo religioso, no obstante acomodamos el itinerario a las
necesidades del cliente y las limitaciones de su presupuesto y le
conectamos de la mejor manera posible con quien quiera que desee
encontrarse. Lo acompañaremos dondequiera que desee viajar. Mucho más
que solamente Trekking y mucho más que solamente "tomando recorrido".
Guides indigènes expérimentés au El SalvadorExcursions culturelles
intensives en Amérique Centrale En El Salvador et Guatemala nous
offrons au visiteur des tours intensifs culturels, écologiques et
d'artisanat avec un guide local Étudiez l'espagnol en Amérique
Centrale ou offrez-vous d'aider dans une de plusieurs causes dignes
comme des causes de droits de l'homme et le soulagement de zones de
désastres. Nous souhaitons un spécial bienvenu aux artistes, aux
auteurs de et d'autres journalistes, aux photographes, aux femmes qui
voyageant seules.
Notre organisation n'est pas affiliée avec aucune partie politique ni
un groupe religieux. Toutefois nous concevons l'itinéraire en fonction
des besoins du client et les limitations de budget et nous vous
communiquons le plus possible avec n'importe qui que ce soit que vous
souhaitez vous réunir et nous vous accompagnons là où vous souhaitez
voyager. Plus que juste le trekking, plus que juste étudier
l'espagnol…et plus que vous pouvez vous imaginer!
Cinquera is located well off the beaten path, there is now a hostal
for visitors/volunteers in Cinquera with wi/fi if carrying a laptop,
and PC with DSL connection for use of guests.
Camping at the entrance to Rain Forest Park.
Under construction at this time..May, 2010, is the civil war museum
and butterfly farm
Our organization is able to connect you with other worthy causes and
humanitarian aid organizations throughout Central America if you
Association for the Reconstruction and Municipal Development of Cinquera (ARDM)
Cinquera, Cabañas,
El Salvador, Central America
Barrio El Centro, Frente al Parque Central
organización sin fines de lucro ubicada en Cinquera El Salvador
Non profit organization registered in El Salvador … -cinquera/ my translation in English. Hostal or Camping available in crime free Cinquera Rain Forest and village.
A primer for those traveling/volunteering/possibly relocating to El
Salvador, Guatemala and the rest of Central america for the first
features photo gallery and travel tour information of every country
in Latin America and a good section on El Salvador, in Spanish,
English and French, click on El Salvador section
Another good resource online is the Alfa Travel Guide (English,
Spanish, Swedish) based in El Salvador for all Central America click
Finally refer them to Roberto's (El Gringo en Suchitoto) websites
based in Suchitoto, El Salvador, both in perfect English and Spanish.
Roberto has hostel, bar and cybercafe in Suchitoto.
This information 'bloq' courtesy of:
'Welcome to Cinquera in El Salvador' … o-cinquera
If traveling alone or in a pair, especially Women, join the "Hospex"
(Hospitality Exchange) non profit portals
Hundreds of bi and multi lingual members in Central America, some of
whom will host you in their homes a night, two or more, others will
meet up with you and gladly show you around their area...avoid
taxistas, travel hustlers, scammers and cheap "local guides" in and
around bus stations, parks and travel destinations, hotel employees
rarely have much information either!!
Click on:
Couch Surfing
Be Welcome
Hospitality Club
The 'Really Real' El Salvador we know and love!
Don't miss this super travelouge!!!!! … -salvador/
A bit of what you may need to know.
"The rest is showing up!" Woody Allen.."80% of life is showing up..."
*****About Central America..mostly facts.
WikiPedia Central America Travel Guides Belize Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama
GoCentralAmerica Portal and Forums
Why not El Salvador and Guatemala??
Guatemala - The Director of INGUAT, Institute of Tourism of Guatemala,
estimates that is possible for the country to reach an increase of 3
to 4 percent in the tourism industry for 2009.
The current financial crisis in developed countries could make
Guatemala, neighboring El Salvador and the rest of Central America a
very attractive travel destination suiting all budgets.
World renowned publications like
Forbes Magazine and others have described how much
'bang you get for
your travel buck' in Guatemala.
Guatemala's advantage is that we are
considerably cheaper than Costa Rica and we have much more to offer.
Actually factual.
Pacific Ocean destinations like Monterrico are a favored tourist hot
spot. The new surfing madness brings young visitors to the beaches.
There is sports fishing, a newly developed industry that is taking of
with great success, so are the newly discovered opportunities for
whale watching.
For water and adventure lovers there is river rafting in river Cahabon
and many others.
Guatemala will have the usual culture travelers. The Mayan culture is
a magnet that brings hundreds of people from all over the world to
explore Tikal, Chichicastenango and many archeological sites all over
the country. One of the favorites is Tak alik ab Aj, down on the
pacific coast near Rethaluleu.. There are so many sites that the time
is usually not enough to visit them all.
El Salvador
El Salvador boasts 'The Pompei of the Americas' Joya de Ceren, the
Pyramids of San Andres and Tzumal and the recently excavated Ruins of
Ciuhatan, City of Women.
Back in Guatemala, for nature lovers, Bird watching tours are also a
trend that is
developing, so is the visit to the natural reserves like Laguna del Tigre
and la Lechua.
In El Salvador don't miss the nature preserve of Parque
El Imposible and the Cloud Forest of Montecristi in Parque El
Trifunio, summit is located where the borders of El Salvador,
Guatemala and Honduras meet. On a clear day one can view the Heart of
Central America from the Carribbean to the Pacific! Awesome! No
'tourist hordes'
Lake Atitlan in the Highlands of Guatemala is more majestic than ever,
it is recommended as a
phenomenal natural wonder and some funky tourist towns like Panajachel
and San Marcos, a pristine Lake village, where continental travelers
have a lot of fun and rub shoulders with our "Living Maya". And
Antigua is as beautiful and charming as ever.
In El Salvador 330 km. (220 miles) of unbroken pristine Pacific
beaches, bays, islands and mangroves await, along with World class
surfing, and yes El Salvador boasts charming colonial towns such as
Suchitoto, indingenous villages of Panchimalco and Santo Domingo de
Guzman , volcanoes, cloud forests and much much more. Uncrowded.
The world is in crisis, so is Guatemala, so is El Salvador, so is the
rest of Central America, so what!
Tourism, travel must go on. Tourism is a
motor for development.
The recommendations or precautions to not visit Guatemala and even
more so El Salvador are unfair
and geopolitically motivated.
The following lists of countries are
promoted to the wazoo by "the powers to be" and they share every
single problem that both Guatemala & El Salvador possess; some of them
additionally have
terrorism. Really. Sad but true.
China, India, Mexico, Colombia, Thailand, Indonesia, Russia, Vietnam,
Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, are all on the list of
the 50 most visited countries in the world. Last time we checked they
had crime, drugs, human rights violations, organized crime, poverty,
inequality; etc.
So what makes Guatemala and El Salvador different from these other
countries? One
thing: the patronage they have, the promotion they get. "PR" Rumors
and bad press are nothing more than cheap online gossip, written
mainly by those who never even have traveled to Guatemala, El Salvador
or the rest of Central America!
There are of course security issues, as everywhere one will travel way
from home, however out of thousands of visitors evey month only a
handful experience problems and even some of those are preventable by
using common sense and being aware!
Entonces, le esperamos……
*The week that Mumbai in India was taken hostage by terrorist, 'CNN'
ran advertisements to promote "The exotic adventure of India".
Colombia, who still exports the same amount of drugs as 10 years ago,
is also being promoted in the US, sponsored by the US. The same
applies for Mexico, never mind the atrocities of the internal drug war
that is now spilling over its borders.
*So, if anyone can give me a specific reason to not visit Guatemala or
neighboring El Salvador, or Honduras or Nicaragua if you prefer, using
comparative objective criteria, I will listen. ¡Digame!
The Myth: "El Salvador is the most dangerous country for travelers in
Central America...."
The Reality: NOT SO, even in the congested capital city of San
Salvador are many small and affordable Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfast
and small Hotels catering to budget travelers on pleasant tree lined
streets, in fact, next to San José in Costa Rica, San Salvador, El
Salvador turns out to be the safest and most pleasant capital city to
base in, in all of Central America, the Beaches of La Libertad are a
45 minute drive or less and Suchitoto is about an hour. Slightly more
time on public transportation. The entire country can be seen in a few
days, no 'all day' bus rides or drives, where you arrive exhausted.
People are friendly here in El Salvador, willing to help out travelers
in a pinch.
'Traveling to Central America made easy'!
I the writer, a long term El Salvador and Guatemala resident, am
suprised myself, despite the
ongoing 'bad press' and 'bad rep' of El Salvador, how many travelers
are now making El Salvador their first or second Central American
destination. Few go away dissapointed.
Of course there exist serious security issues in many parts of Latin
America so be aware, especially when traveling alone, and use common
The more Spanish you know, the easier AND less expensive your journey
A stressed, lonely and tired traveler is a VULNERABLE traveler to
pickpockets, thieves and scammers, one can only do and see so much in
one day!
If requiring a bi or multi lingual local guide, driver/ by
the day or hour, no liabilty as in Car rental, unique lodging places,
free travel advices then just message me and I will hook you up with bi lingual native guide along with local driver owner, pay by the day or hour, no liabilty, lodging places range from about $20 double up to 4 nand 5 star hotels
message me for more information
Warning to business persons and retirees locating to El Salvador who do nnot speak Spanish, there exists a local 'Relocation Agency' which boosts rents in upscale areas of city or Ranchos (beach houses) double to triple the normal rate, so message in advance if desiring help on Rentals, we are not agents, but are able to assist you to rent or purchase directly from owners, saving a lot of time, grief and money. saludos. Le esperamos con gusto en El Salvador.
seeing is blieving..Discover the Undiscovered!
For those planning to visit El Salvador the first timeDear traveler, trekker or volunteer visiting El Salvador and the rest
of Central America, perhaps for the first time. We at ARDM, dedicated
to development of rural eco and cultural travel in El Salvador, are a
non profit organization dedicated to the development of rural tourism
in El Salvador. What we offer is more than just native guides and
transport to beautiful places and meeting friendly people. We offer to
you as well, a peek through our eyes, from the inside out, into the
heart and soul of El Salvador as never before.
Personalized service. Design your own itinerary around El Salvador and
to neighboring Central American countries with us. We contract local
drivers and transportation providers and utilize experienced native
guides in rural and remote areas.
"Go where you want to go when you want to go."
All we require is that if you are traveling to El Salvador from
abroad, is that you make contact with us initially by e mail or
message or telephone, well in advance of your departure so we may
assist you in planning further your journey after arrival, within your
budget and time frame limitations of course.
Local drivers with insured vehicles, trained native guides for eco,
cultural and historic treks, bi lingual guide/interpreter volunteer
based in San Salvador to assist those who are not able to speak
For those concerned about the availability of budget (2-3-4 Star)
lodgings throughout El Salvador, our organization shall be more than
happy to contact these establishments, usually family run guest
houses/bed and breakfast in the capital city or small unique lodging
places in the beaches or mountains, if desiring to make reservations.
Again, all we ask is for you to contact us well in advance of your arrival.
Experienced Native Guides based in El Salvador, The Heart of Central America!
Transportation in Insured Vehicles with skilled local drivers.
Mayan Ruins of Tazumal Pyramids, Chalchuapa, El Salvador Intensive
Cultural Tours Central America In El Salvador and Guatemala we offer
to the visitor intensive cultural, crafts, historical and eco tours
with bilingual native guides. Study Spanish in Central America or
Volunteer to help one of several worthy causes ranging from human
rights to disaster relief...special welcome to groups, artists, travel
writers and other journalists, photographers and women traveling
Our non profit organization is not affiliated directly with any
political party neither religious groups, however we tailor the
itinerary to the client's needs and budget limitations and connect you
if possible with whomever you wish to meet and escort you wherever you
wish to travel. Period.
Do contact us well in advance of your departure so we may help you to
plan your journey…..El Salvador & connections to guides, drivers, tour
operators and unique lodging places throughout Central America…..
More than just trekking, more than just studying Spanish….more than
you can imagine!
Guías turísticos nativos y experimentados con base en El Salvador, el
Corazón del América Central. El Salvador Viajes culturales intensivos
a Centro-América. En El Salvador y Guatemala ofrecemos al visitante
viajes culturales intensivos a los artes y a la naturaleza y la
artesanía con un guía.
Estudie español en Centro América u ofrézcase como voluntario para
ayudar en una de varias causas dignas desde causas de derechos humanos
o como ayuda en aliviar zonas de desastre. Damos una especial
bienvenida al grupos turísticos, a los artistas, escritores sobre
turismo y otros periodistas, fotógrafos, mujeres que viajan solas.
Nuestra organización no es afiliada con ningún partido político o
grupo religioso, no obstante acomodamos el itinerario a las
necesidades del cliente y las limitaciones de su presupuesto y le
conectamos de la mejor manera posible con quien quiera que desee
encontrarse. Lo acompañaremos dondequiera que desee viajar. Mucho más
que solamente Trekking y mucho más que solamente "tomando recorrido".
Guides indigènes expérimentés au El SalvadorExcursions culturelles
intensives en Amérique Centrale En El Salvador et Guatemala nous
offrons au visiteur des tours intensifs culturels, écologiques et
d'artisanat avec un guide local Étudiez l'espagnol en Amérique
Centrale ou offrez-vous d'aider dans une de plusieurs causes dignes
comme des causes de droits de l'homme et le soulagement de zones de
désastres. Nous souhaitons un spécial bienvenu aux artistes, aux
auteurs de et d'autres journalistes, aux photographes, aux femmes qui
voyageant seules.
Notre organisation n'est pas affiliée avec aucune partie politique ni
un groupe religieux. Toutefois nous concevons l'itinéraire en fonction
des besoins du client et les limitations de budget et nous vous
communiquons le plus possible avec n'importe qui que ce soit que vous
souhaitez vous réunir et nous vous accompagnons là où vous souhaitez
voyager. Plus que juste le trekking, plus que juste étudier
l'espagnol…et plus que vous pouvez vous imaginer!
Cinquera is located well off the beaten path, there is now a hostal
for visitors/volunteers in Cinquera with wi/fi if carrying a laptop,
and PC with DSL connection for use of guests.
Camping at the entrance to Rain Forest Park.
Under construction at this time..May, 2010, is the civil war museum
and butterfly farm
Our organization is able to connect you with other worthy causes and
humanitarian aid organizations throughout Central America if you
Association for the Reconstruction and Municipal Development of Cinquera (ARDM)
Cinquera, Cabañas,
El Salvador, Central America
Barrio El Centro, Frente al Parque Central
organización sin fines de lucro ubicada en Cinquera El Salvador
Non profit organization registered in El Salvador … -cinquera/ my translation in English. Hostal or Camping available in crime free Cinquera Rain Forest and village.
A primer for those traveling/volunteering/possibly relocating to El
Salvador, Guatemala and the rest of Central america for the first
features photo gallery and travel tour information of every country
in Latin America and a good section on El Salvador, in Spanish,
English and French, click on El Salvador section
Another good resource online is the Alfa Travel Guide (English,
Spanish, Swedish) based in El Salvador for all Central America click
Finally refer them to Roberto's (El Gringo en Suchitoto) websites
based in Suchitoto, El Salvador, both in perfect English and Spanish.
Roberto has hostel, bar and cybercafe in Suchitoto.
This information 'bloq' courtesy of:
'Welcome to Cinquera in El Salvador' … o-cinquera
If traveling alone or in a pair, especially Women, join the "Hospex"
(Hospitality Exchange) non profit portals
Hundreds of bi and multi lingual members in Central America, some of
whom will host you in their homes a night, two or more, others will
meet up with you and gladly show you around their area...avoid
taxistas, travel hustlers, scammers and cheap "local guides" in and
around bus stations, parks and travel destinations, hotel employees
rarely have much information either!!
Click on:
Couch Surfing
Be Welcome
Hospitality Club
The 'Really Real' El Salvador we know and love!
Don't miss this super travelouge!!!!! … -salvador/
A bit of what you may need to know.
"The rest is showing up!" Woody Allen.."80% of life is showing up..."
*****About Central America..mostly facts.
WikiPedia Central America Travel Guides Belize Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama
GoCentralAmerica Portal and Forums
Why not El Salvador and Guatemala??
Guatemala - The Director of INGUAT, Institute of Tourism of Guatemala,
estimates that is possible for the country to reach an increase of 3
to 4 percent in the tourism industry for 2009.
The current financial crisis in developed countries could make
Guatemala, neighboring El Salvador and the rest of Central America a
very attractive travel destination suiting all budgets.
World renowned publications like
Forbes Magazine and others have described how much
'bang you get for
your travel buck' in Guatemala.
Guatemala's advantage is that we are
considerably cheaper than Costa Rica and we have much more to offer.
Actually factual.
Pacific Ocean destinations like Monterrico are a favored tourist hot
spot. The new surfing madness brings young visitors to the beaches.
There is sports fishing, a newly developed industry that is taking of
with great success, so are the newly discovered opportunities for
whale watching.
For water and adventure lovers there is river rafting in river Cahabon
and many others.
Guatemala will have the usual culture travelers. The Mayan culture is
a magnet that brings hundreds of people from all over the world to
explore Tikal, Chichicastenango and many archeological sites all over
the country. One of the favorites is Tak alik ab Aj, down on the
pacific coast near Rethaluleu.. There are so many sites that the time
is usually not enough to visit them all.
El Salvador
El Salvador boasts 'The Pompei of the Americas' Joya de Ceren, the
Pyramids of San Andres and Tzumal and the recently excavated Ruins of
Ciuhatan, City of Women.
Back in Guatemala, for nature lovers, Bird watching tours are also a
trend that is
developing, so is the visit to the natural reserves like Laguna del Tigre
and la Lechua.
In El Salvador don't miss the nature preserve of Parque
El Imposible and the Cloud Forest of Montecristi in Parque El
Trifunio, summit is located where the borders of El Salvador,
Guatemala and Honduras meet. On a clear day one can view the Heart of
Central America from the Carribbean to the Pacific! Awesome! No
'tourist hordes'
Lake Atitlan in the Highlands of Guatemala is more majestic than ever,
it is recommended as a
phenomenal natural wonder and some funky tourist towns like Panajachel
and San Marcos, a pristine Lake village, where continental travelers
have a lot of fun and rub shoulders with our "Living Maya". And
Antigua is as beautiful and charming as ever.
In El Salvador 330 km. (220 miles) of unbroken pristine Pacific
beaches, bays, islands and mangroves await, along with World class
surfing, and yes El Salvador boasts charming colonial towns such as
Suchitoto, indingenous villages of Panchimalco and Santo Domingo de
Guzman , volcanoes, cloud forests and much much more. Uncrowded.
The world is in crisis, so is Guatemala, so is El Salvador, so is the
rest of Central America, so what!
Tourism, travel must go on. Tourism is a
motor for development.
The recommendations or precautions to not visit Guatemala and even
more so El Salvador are unfair
and geopolitically motivated.
The following lists of countries are
promoted to the wazoo by "the powers to be" and they share every
single problem that both Guatemala & El Salvador possess; some of them
additionally have
terrorism. Really. Sad but true.
China, India, Mexico, Colombia, Thailand, Indonesia, Russia, Vietnam,
Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, are all on the list of
the 50 most visited countries in the world. Last time we checked they
had crime, drugs, human rights violations, organized crime, poverty,
inequality; etc.
So what makes Guatemala and El Salvador different from these other
countries? One
thing: the patronage they have, the promotion they get. "PR" Rumors
and bad press are nothing more than cheap online gossip, written
mainly by those who never even have traveled to Guatemala, El Salvador
or the rest of Central America!
There are of course security issues, as everywhere one will travel way
from home, however out of thousands of visitors evey month only a
handful experience problems and even some of those are preventable by
using common sense and being aware!
Entonces, le esperamos……
*The week that Mumbai in India was taken hostage by terrorist, 'CNN'
ran advertisements to promote "The exotic adventure of India".
Colombia, who still exports the same amount of drugs as 10 years ago,
is also being promoted in the US, sponsored by the US. The same
applies for Mexico, never mind the atrocities of the internal drug war
that is now spilling over its borders.
*So, if anyone can give me a specific reason to not visit Guatemala or
neighboring El Salvador, or Honduras or Nicaragua if you prefer, using
comparative objective criteria, I will listen. ¡Digame!
The Myth: "El Salvador is the most dangerous country for travelers in
Central America...."
The Reality: NOT SO, even in the congested capital city of San
Salvador are many small and affordable Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfast
and small Hotels catering to budget travelers on pleasant tree lined
streets, in fact, next to San José in Costa Rica, San Salvador, El
Salvador turns out to be the safest and most pleasant capital city to
base in, in all of Central America, the Beaches of La Libertad are a
45 minute drive or less and Suchitoto is about an hour. Slightly more
time on public transportation. The entire country can be seen in a few
days, no 'all day' bus rides or drives, where you arrive exhausted.
People are friendly here in El Salvador, willing to help out travelers
in a pinch.
'Traveling to Central America made easy'!
I the writer, a long term El Salvador and Guatemala resident, am
suprised myself, despite the
ongoing 'bad press' and 'bad rep' of El Salvador, how many travelers
are now making El Salvador their first or second Central American
destination. Few go away dissapointed.
Of course there exist serious security issues in many parts of Latin
America so be aware, especially when traveling alone, and use common
The more Spanish you know, the easier AND less expensive your journey
A stressed, lonely and tired traveler is a VULNERABLE traveler to
pickpockets, thieves and scammers, one can only do and see so much in
one day!
If requiring a bi or multi lingual local guide, driver/ by
the day or hour, no liabilty as in Car rental, unique lodging places,
free travel advices then just message me and I will hook you up with bi lingual native guide along with local driver owner, pay by the day or hour, no liabilty, lodging places range from about $20 double up to 4 nand 5 star hotels
message me for more information
Warning to business persons and retirees locating to El Salvador who do nnot speak Spanish, there exists a local 'Relocation Agency' which boosts rents in upscale areas of city or Ranchos (beach houses) double to triple the normal rate, so message in advance if desiring help on Rentals, we are not agents, but are able to assist you to rent or purchase directly from owners, saving a lot of time, grief and money. saludos. Le esperamos con gusto en El Salvador.