If you are planning on visiting El Salvador for the first time I have a US telephone number and am able to call back those land line or cellular in US or Canada except Hawaii, Alaska at no cost, if we get disconnected I can call you back, other countries have Skype account, you need a Skype account also. I do not like typing in a little box to someone with a 'nickname' I do not know, who may be trolling for insider information, I am retired, but keep busy and have no time for typing long messages, I am a voice to voice or face to face kind of guy, if you wish me to call you, then, send me a pm, not public, message with your phone number or Skype ID and best time to contact you, also your full name, city or town, state, province or department and an e mail address, I shall provide same, I already have a lot of info that I can send you by e mail attachment, I DO NOT give out information on Costa Rica or Panama, contact me if interested in Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras or Nicaragua, I have wecam so if you call by Skype we can at least see each other!!! If I do not know an answer to a question I will try and research, if you ask me off teh bat if Central America is 'dangerous' you are wasting my time and I will hang up on you! Period. I have also a Central America travel and information group on fb url by pm. Se habla espanol. Advice is cheap, no 'trip planning' all I am able to do is point you in the right direction, also if I do not receive a simple THANK YOU or GRACIAS I terminate our relationship. We have a hostel and hotel if you visit El Salvador with info on hostels and budget accomidations all over Central America. saludos.