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Opening a Current Bank Account

22 years ago
I'm retired US military and my wife is German. We live and work in Germany, but recently purchased a small village house in the Minervois. Everything went relatively smoothly except for opening a current (checking) account in France. We seem to be in a Catch-22. Can't seem to open anything other than a saving (livret B) account which is pretty much useless for paying bills. La Poste says we need to be registered with the local Mairie to open a current account, but cannot be registered without an electric bill which we cannmot pay without a current account. Has anyone found a French bank that would be satisfied with a "note" from our Notaire that we in fact own property in France?

French Riviera House Hunting - FRH
French Riviera House Hunting - FRH

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SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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Best Places to Live in France Best Places to Live in France

If you're thinking about living in France, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in France in 2023.

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SJB Global
SJB Global

SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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SJB GlobalSJB Global

SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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French Riviera House Hunting - FRH

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