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what can we do......

22 years ago
sorry for writing on this topic but yesterday i came close to tearing a french sandwich sellers head off....

...bascially, i bought a sandwich that had the price inflated by one euro, as i am not french, and then it was filled with fries that where probably cooked last month....after telling him that it was not on....he choose to grill the whole sandwich panini style....sounds like a small thing but after 2 years of bad service, man it all adds up to much too much....

what can we do as non french to ensure that we get the right value for our hard earned cash.....

...the worst part is that these people (waiters, bar staff, shop owners...etc) think that they are doing us a favour by allowing us to buy something from them.....

if you have any tips, please advice...

....my next step is going to be complain in a clam intelligent manner everytime i get bad service...also i advice every non french (well all the french as well) to start demanding the service that we pay for....

question: are only non french people subjected to this poor service?

question: why does it happen in france and not in italy....this my experience....

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