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Questions about our move to France

21 years ago
Hello from Oregon!

Here is our situation: My fiance Damien and I are currently living in Oregon, and are planning on moving to France (Paris or Lyon) during the fall of 2003. I am French and by then we will be married. From our research, the process to follow in order to secure a work permit for him is to apply to a visa de long sejour pour mariage before moving from the US and then go to the prefecture of our city and apply for the carte de resident.

If anyone has been in this situation, do you have any advise, tips, things to be aware of? How long does it take to get the visa de long sejour?

Also, our ideal situation would be to both find a job from the US in France, so that we don't go through the struggle of looking upon arrival. Any thoughts / advice / experience regarding this?

Thanks in advance from a couple excited and overwhelmed to move to France!

Sarah & Damien

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