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Mon Dieu! So much to think about...

21 years ago
First, thanks to everyone who posted responses to my banking question.

Next, I just wanted to introduce myself as I hope I'll be meeting some of you in person soon.

My name is Doug and my fiancee, Ines, and I are getting married in Berlin in late July (she's German, I'm US). On August 1, we are moving into a short-term apartment in Paris (Latin Quarter) for 3 months and will use that time to find a longer term apartment. Any idea how tough it will be to find a 2 bedroom unfurnished in Paris? I know costs vary widely, but any idea what I'll pay for a reasonably safe though not necessarily trendy area?

Ines will be finishing her degree at an American university and I will look for a job teaching English (I am TEFL certified) for the time being. Both of us will be taking French lessons as neither of us speaks more than a few words (any recommendations on schools?). I'm assuming I'll be able to get a job as being married to an EU citizen entitles me to work, though I expect it'll be at least a couple months before I have the documents. Anything to be particularly concerned about here?

I am actually a lawyer by training and have been a senior executive in a multinational software company based in the states, but I haven't found any likely jobs in Paris given my lack of French. I'm hoping to move back into that career path once my French is passable.

Anyway, this message was mostly to say hi and, of course, to seek advice about anything and everything! Any comments, suggestions, advice, etc... would be welcome.



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