So after a two year long distance relationship, I'm relocating to Lyon to live with my girlfriend. I don't plan on taking that many personal effects as I will still maintain a summer residence in the US. However, I am a photographer and therefore need to ship over a fair amount of expensive camera and computer equipment. I want to know how I can do this without having to pay import taxes, which I understand to be close to 15% of the value of the goods. I will eventually ship these items back next spring to continue my work in the US for the summer. Also I'm hoping that after my three months as a tourist expires, I can simply travel to another EU country for a weekend, have the passport stamped and return. I am wrong about how easy this could be? After a year I believe I will know whether or not I will be ready for an "official" move. I have spent a fair amount of time in Lyon and really enjoy it. But I'm wanting to take this one step at a time. Advice?