I've always dreamed of making my life in France and have decided that it's not or never. I have had a successful career working in event marketing in Los Angeles and New York. The idea of tossing it all out the door to move abroad is both thrilling and terrifying and I'm trying to do all the necessary due diligence so I can make a good decision about whether to actually take the leap.
Because my French is quite remedial, I think that a language school is the first step. This will also help with my visa issue so my thought is that this will give me a year to test the waters. Can anyone recommend a language school or intensive program NOT geared towards University students??? I am 34 so I'd rather not be surrounded by college students.
The schools I've researched so far include:
Alliance Francaise
Ecole Eiffel
France Langue
Institut Parisian
Anyone taken courses or heard anything about the programs???
Anyone have ideas about the ease of subletting apartments?
And of course, I'd love to hear any feedback about people's own experience making this kind of move, lessons learned and all the advice they can offer.
Thanks for all the input!!
Because my French is quite remedial, I think that a language school is the first step. This will also help with my visa issue so my thought is that this will give me a year to test the waters. Can anyone recommend a language school or intensive program NOT geared towards University students??? I am 34 so I'd rather not be surrounded by college students.
The schools I've researched so far include:
Alliance Francaise
Ecole Eiffel
France Langue
Institut Parisian
Anyone taken courses or heard anything about the programs???
Anyone have ideas about the ease of subletting apartments?
And of course, I'd love to hear any feedback about people's own experience making this kind of move, lessons learned and all the advice they can offer.
Thanks for all the input!!