Does anyone have any contacts or recommendations for career counselling for me, Australian public servant living in Paris? I moved here in June 2005 to live with my french partner and have done some study at the Sorbonne over the summer to brush up on French. School was excellent but I'm a bit lost about what to do next.
Making the transition to a new career is daunting to say the least, and everywhere I look, I need to pass a concours, obtain french nationality etc and do several years of study before I can even compete with professionals of similar age (38) with extensive experience and grande école training etc.
Any advice on what someone with good public policy, writing, communication and team skills at middle management level can do with an arts background and 15 years of solid work experience would be appreciated. It's very difficult to figure out what to do when you're not an accoutant, lawyer, IT specialist etc... I guess the job market in Paris is largely private sector for professionals.
Making the transition to a new career is daunting to say the least, and everywhere I look, I need to pass a concours, obtain french nationality etc and do several years of study before I can even compete with professionals of similar age (38) with extensive experience and grande école training etc.
Any advice on what someone with good public policy, writing, communication and team skills at middle management level can do with an arts background and 15 years of solid work experience would be appreciated. It's very difficult to figure out what to do when you're not an accoutant, lawyer, IT specialist etc... I guess the job market in Paris is largely private sector for professionals.