I've just hit the 30-week mark and my husband's company has asked us to move to Paris for six months. They would like us there by late January. I'm due Feb. 10th. Also noteworthy is that my other two children (ages 15 mos, and 11 years) both came early (3 and 1 week respectively). Of course this baby could very well come 2 weeks late though!
My big question is, can I possibly move from Austin, Texas to Paris and find an OB, hospital, and pediatrician to accept us as clients BEFORE leaving the US? My OB is fine w/the move as long as (a)it happens before 36 weeks, and (b)I line up care ahead of time so if/when needed, I have a plan to put into action immediately.
The alternative is to have my husband go ahead w/o us and we join him when the new baby is a month old. I do have family here and would have nanny help while he was gone, but it would be very hard on all of us to have my husband away at such an important time.
Does anyone have info/advice on finding good care while still in the US or is it even really possible? And with me as far along as I am, will I even be able to find an OB and hospital with room for me?? From what I've seen online, I lean toward the American Hospital but have heard it takes months to get in there.
We have excellent medical insurance (United) and they said it would all be covered as a traveling emergency b/c the move is temporary and is for company business. While the good news is that there is no "network" so I could be seen by anyone anywhere, the bad news is that we would apparently have to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed. Sounds a little crazy to me, but I suppose it's do-able as long as we don't go over $30k or so.
Lots of info here, I know! I'm freaking out and would greatly appreciate any experiential info you all have.
I've just hit the 30-week mark and my husband's company has asked us to move to Paris for six months. They would like us there by late January. I'm due Feb. 10th. Also noteworthy is that my other two children (ages 15 mos, and 11 years) both came early (3 and 1 week respectively). Of course this baby could very well come 2 weeks late though!
My big question is, can I possibly move from Austin, Texas to Paris and find an OB, hospital, and pediatrician to accept us as clients BEFORE leaving the US? My OB is fine w/the move as long as (a)it happens before 36 weeks, and (b)I line up care ahead of time so if/when needed, I have a plan to put into action immediately.
The alternative is to have my husband go ahead w/o us and we join him when the new baby is a month old. I do have family here and would have nanny help while he was gone, but it would be very hard on all of us to have my husband away at such an important time.
Does anyone have info/advice on finding good care while still in the US or is it even really possible? And with me as far along as I am, will I even be able to find an OB and hospital with room for me?? From what I've seen online, I lean toward the American Hospital but have heard it takes months to get in there.
We have excellent medical insurance (United) and they said it would all be covered as a traveling emergency b/c the move is temporary and is for company business. While the good news is that there is no "network" so I could be seen by anyone anywhere, the bad news is that we would apparently have to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed. Sounds a little crazy to me, but I suppose it's do-able as long as we don't go over $30k or so.
Lots of info here, I know! I'm freaking out and would greatly appreciate any experiential info you all have.