Hi everyone,
I think that a lot of people here, like me, have had problems with French.
I've posted a few times in the past, asking for recommendations on where I could find a good course but didn't really get anything back.
Anyway, for anyone looking for an intensive French course, I went on one and it was brilliant. They teach you most of the French grammar in a single weekend, along with hundreds of French words and, with me at least, it has really stuck and sort of unlocked the language for me.
So, if you need a recommendation for a good language school, this is it. Its name was The Paul Noble Language Institute and its web address is www.paulnoblelanguages.com
Feel free to mail me if you want to know more about what happened on the course. The company does other languages but obviously I don't know whether they're as good or not.
I think that a lot of people here, like me, have had problems with French.
I've posted a few times in the past, asking for recommendations on where I could find a good course but didn't really get anything back.
Anyway, for anyone looking for an intensive French course, I went on one and it was brilliant. They teach you most of the French grammar in a single weekend, along with hundreds of French words and, with me at least, it has really stuck and sort of unlocked the language for me.
So, if you need a recommendation for a good language school, this is it. Its name was The Paul Noble Language Institute and its web address is www.paulnoblelanguages.com
Feel free to mail me if you want to know more about what happened on the course. The company does other languages but obviously I don't know whether they're as good or not.