Bonjour! I'm a Californian, with an French friend, fluent in French, with a U.S. motorcycle license. and an international license, too. My retirement plan: Buy a USED bike (preferable a BMW tourer, stash it at my friend's house in between yearly European tours. Buying through dealerships is out (too expensive, small inventories), and a rental would cost as much as the bike! so I'll have to navigate the registration, license, insurance etc. on my own. I can give a French address of my friend, but don't intend to become a resident (yet). Any advice and estimate of time for the registration, etc. process would be welcome; I'll be traveling for 1 /12 months and don't want to spend most of it in this process. My friend's warned me that I'll be considered a novice rider for insurance purposes - would it help to bring decades old bike registrations or licensing records in this regard? Rented a bike there 10 yrs ago with just my Cal driver's license, no problems. Merci d'avance.