Hi! I'm a divorced 69yo man currently living in New York City. Rent just went skyrocketing so I'm going to move. I've read nice things about expats in France, and I've vacationed in Paris 12 times, in Hyere one summer, and one
great stay in Nice.
Suggestions on where to live (renting)
I have mild Parkinson's disease and
use a walker if I'm walking more
than a couple of blocks., so a city
rather than a village is preferable.
I am semi-conversational in French if
people talk slowly (I speak and read
better than comprehend) and could
be more fluent if immersed.
Is there a reasonably large US/Brit
expat community in cities?
Do people ever get together (I'm
Do you need permission to live there
(rather than just visit)?
What do folks do about health
Does France tax you for income from
the U.S. (Social Security and
pension), and do you get double-
dipped with US and FR taxes?
My finances will be about $4,000-
4500 USD monthly. Is this enough
to live in France? If so, where?
I'm also considering Costa Rica (cost
living is SO cheap) but I don't speak
Spanish- would prefer France.
Is there an application form for expats?
Anything else?
great stay in Nice.
Suggestions on where to live (renting)
I have mild Parkinson's disease and
use a walker if I'm walking more
than a couple of blocks., so a city
rather than a village is preferable.
I am semi-conversational in French if
people talk slowly (I speak and read
better than comprehend) and could
be more fluent if immersed.
Is there a reasonably large US/Brit
expat community in cities?
Do people ever get together (I'm
Do you need permission to live there
(rather than just visit)?
What do folks do about health
Does France tax you for income from
the U.S. (Social Security and
pension), and do you get double-
dipped with US and FR taxes?
My finances will be about $4,000-
4500 USD monthly. Is this enough
to live in France? If so, where?
I'm also considering Costa Rica (cost
living is SO cheap) but I don't speak
Spanish- would prefer France.
Is there an application form for expats?
Anything else?