My name is Tetuwan Okshila and I live in NYC. I retired four years ago and have been enjoying it immensely. My connection with France goes back some 50 years, on the day after my high school graduation i boarded a flight to Paris on my own because i had known since i was a child that i was a francophile. Later I would travel there frequently during my working years and finally this past August i spent a month in Marseille and decided it was time to do some serious research on moving permanently to France. Et voila! I came upon this organization. Unlike most retirees that i've read about, i'm not looking for a small village or country location. I want to be in Marseille, preferably the 6th Arrondisement because my native habitat is large cities and as France's 2nd largest city with a vibrant diverse culture not unlike NYC, it is perfect. I have adequate but not extravagant resources but i do have some health issues which may be problematic in the insurance aspect of the visa process. Anyway, i look forward to advice and instruction.